Eighteen Typical pedons representing upland, midland, and lowland forms in a Hittinahalli sub watershed of Vijayapur district were studied for their morphological characteristics and physico chemical properties. The soils were shallow to very deep (25 to >150 cm), very dark brown to black
(Munsell color chart) and moderately well to poorly drained. The soil structure changes from weak,
medium sub-angular blocky on the surface to moderate, coarse sub-angular blocky in the sub surface horizons. The soils are moderately alkaline to strongly alkaline (7.59–9.41), low to high in
organic carbon (0.08–0.75 g/kg). The pedons on uplands exhibit the development of an argillic
horizon (Bt). The pedons on the midlands and lowlands have cambic horizons (Bw), classified as
Verisols and Inceptisols, respectively. The lowlands (P6, P10, P16, and P18) and midlands (P7, P8,
P12, P15, and P17) are classified as fine, mixed, Iso-hyperthermic, and Typic Haplustalfs.