JKUAT Institutional Repository
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Gatumu, Njeru; Ndiritu, Dr. Hiram; Gathitu, Dr. Benson
(JKUAT-COETEC, 2024-09-17)
Coal has been a major source of energy for many countries of the developed world especially where coal deposits exist. This situation is expected to persist for a long
time to come; more so, in light of the rapid depletion ...
Githieya, Ruth Njeri
(JKUAT-CoANRE, 2024-09-17)
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) popularly referred to as a “hidden treasure” is the most consumed commodity among the non-grain foods globally and the second most important food crop after maize in Kenya. Two potato varieties ...
Ajwang’, P.O.; Mutwiwa, U. N.
(JKUAT-COETEC, 2024-09-16)
A simulation model based on energy and mass balance method was developed in MATLAB\SIMULINK in order to predict the effect of insect-proof screen properties on climate in naturally ventilated greenhouses in the humid ...
Tsuma, Martin; Kibaara, S.
(JKUAT-COETEC, 2024-09-16)
There exist several Techno-economic analysis tools and financial indicators used to determine the financial worthwhile of different energy systems. These tools and
methods combine the capital costs, operation and maintenance ...
Mtonga, Thomson P.M.; Kaberere, Keren K.; Irungu, George K.
(JKUAT-COETEC, 2024-09-16)
This paper presents a new partial search based approach for solving the radial distribution systems’ optimal shunt capacitors placement and sizing problem. The approach is based on a recent metaheuristic technique, the ...
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