The essential oil constituents of mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) grown in Burundi were extracted by coldpressing
method and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Fifty-eight constituents, amounting to 97.2% of the total volatiles
were identified. Monoterpene hydrocarbons accounted for the most abundant chemical group (94.7%). Limonene
was the most prominent constituent (84.8%), followed by γ-terpinene (5.4%), myrcene (2.2%) and α-pinene (1.1%).
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons accounted for a minor quantity (0.2%), where germacrene D and valencene were the
main constituents. Oxygenated compounds of various chemical groups constituted 2.3%. Aliphatic aldehydes (0.7%)
and terpene alcohols (0.7%) were the major chemical groups. The main constituents were linalool (0.7%), octanal
(0.5%) and decanal (0.2%). Octyl acetate, α-sinensal, decanol and perillaldehyde occurred at 0.1% levels. Thymol,
α-sinensal, methyl thymol, and the acetate esters, bornyl, α-terpinyl, geranyl, citronellyl and decyl acetates were
detected, each at < 0.05%.
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