This study concentrated on the training needs assessment for the hairdressing salon operators
in Nairobi.
!he sample population was drawn from Kenyatta Market and Kariobangi South Market
hairdressing salons. In data collection question were used and they were personally
administered by the researcher. Three questionnaires were used, that is for owner/manager,
employees and clients.
Sixty five respondents were interviewed. The data was edited and then analysed. From the
research findings it was found that the hairdressing salon operators have been receiving some
training. The training was found to be inadequate both for the owner/manager and employees.
There exists a number of problems which could be alienated by training. Consequently a
number of training needs were identified such as financial training need, production (service)
training need, marketing training need and general management training need. Conclusions
and recommendations have also been given. Some of the recommendations are that the
training provides should make efforts to mount courses that are specific to salon operators and
not general for any small business. Thus such courses should take into account the actual
problems and expectations of the business people. The training courses should be specific to
Thus such courses should take into account the actual problems and expectations of the
business people. The training courses should be specific to the target business.
The study has suggested areas for further research, one of them being a similar study in a rural