Helminth infections in humans are cosmopolitan but occur commonly in the developing
countries within the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Children are
particularly susceptible and have the largest worm burden, affecting their nutritional
status, physical and mental development and even their school performance. It is
believed that soil transmitted helminthes (STHs) are common in Meru North District,
eastern Kenya but there is lack of evidence. The present study was undertaken to
determine the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiases (STH) among children in the
lower primary schools in Tigania West, Meru North District, determine their social
demographic characteristics (SDC), and other exposure factors. This was a descriptive
cross-sectional, school-based study, done in 15 primary schools in the area, among 138
children, selected randomly. Stool samples were collected from the pupils whose parents
had given consent for them to participate in the study, and the samples were processed
using the Kato-Katz procedure, and examined by microscopy for ova of soil-transmitted
helminth parasites. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on the children's
age, sex, their education levels, risk factors and their knowledge about worm infections
and de-worming practices. The data were entered into the computer using SPSS version
12 and analysis done chi-square, odds ratio. The results show that of the 138 children,
there was an overall prevalence of 26.8% of STn Hookworm (Necator americanus and
Ancylostoma duodenale) accounted for 12.3%, Ascaris fumbricoides 8.7%, and
Trichuris trichiura 5.8%. Individuals aged 8 years old had the highest prevalence of
STH infection (29.7%). Source of domestic water was significantly associated with STH
infection (p=0.042, X2=6.56 (df=2). There was no statistical significance between STH
infection and other SDCs studied such as age, sex, or education. The prevalence of
geohelminth infections recorded in this area is comparatively lower than that previously
observed in other parts of Kenya such as Mwea (47.5%), Busia (62.9%) or Kisumu
(60.9%). Research to determine the situation in other parts of Meru District is needed.
School teachers and health care workers in Tigania West should work together through
the school health program to educate the children in hygiene and sanitation measures,
and parasite. control. A- school-based. deworming program is. also. recommended, for the.