This research sought to analyze the effects of incorporating arbitrarily shaped de
ground plane structures) in the ground plane of a conventional microstrip antenna, to
achievemultibandperformanceandbandwidthenhancement. Theresearchalsosought
to analyze the effects of incorporating arbitrary fractal geometries (based on fractal
concentric rectangles) in the patch of a conventional microstrip antenna, aimed at size
reduction. In addition, this research also sought to design arbitrary fractal antennas on
defected ground plane structures geared towards improvement of the multiband capa
bilities and bandwidth enhancement of the microstrip antenna, without increasing the
antenna size. The effects of the three design techniques (defected ground plane struc
ture, fractal design and a combination of fractal design on a defected ground plane)
on antenna performance parameters such as return loss, VSWR, current distribution
simulation software.