Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation, Western Kenya region comprises of Non-ruminant Research Institute at Kakamega and Food Crop Research Institute at Kitale. The two research institutes are mandated to innovate and improve technological activities that touch on the environment and the livelihood of people. Such practices should comply with occupational safety and health standards in order to avoid risks from exposed hazards. The aim of this study was to assess occupational safety and health practices in Kenya agricultural and livestock research organisations, western Kenya region. The study assessed hazards, determined safety and health awareness of workers and explored effectiveness of control measures present at the two workplaces. Structured questionnaires, camera and checklists were used for data collection including personal observation. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The study revealed that common classes and sources of hazards were chemical hazards from exposures to pesticides, dust / mist in field trials, cleaning detergents/disinfectants in research laboratories; biological hazards arising from working with animals and plants; ergonomic hazards arising from planting, weeding, sitting, walking or standing; physical hazards from exposures to heat in green houses and in open field as supported by workplace inspection. It was established that both institutes had a safety and health policy with 75% and 79% of respondents from Kakamega and Kitale centres respectively being aware of the existence of policy. However, 55% and 63% of respondents from Kakamega and Kitale respectively reported to have access to safety and health policy (χ2=.813, df=1, p=.367), indicating the need for more sensitization to enhance access. Seventy percent (70%) from Kakamega and 67% from Kitale comply with safe work procedures in their daily operations. However, 60% from Kakamega and 53% of respondents from Kitale reported that they are not trained on identification of hazards as a control measure and therefore are at risk of exposure to harmful chemicals. All respondents from Kakamega and 84% of the respondents from Kitale reported to have used chemicals (χ2=3.887, df=1, p=.049). . Sixty two percent (62%) from Kakamega and 63% of respondents from Kitale confirmed presence of safety and health committees at the two centres for hazard controls (χ2=.010, df=1, p=.922). Seventy seven percent (77%) from Kakamega and all respondents from Kitale indicated that they are provided with personal protective equipment for control of hazards (χ2=3.887, df=1, p=.049). Presence of safety and health committees, complying to safe work procedure practices, personal protective equipment provision and its usage, minimises worker’s suffering from accident at the two work places. The study findings concluded that although there was exposure to occupational hazards, there were adequate control measures put in place to prevent risks of exposure among the respondents from both institutions. The management needs to intensify campaign for safety and health policy document accessibility, training and quantifying hazards at the two research institutes in order to raise safety and health awareness and effective control of hazards.