dc.description.abstract |
Public procurement forms the epitome for achieving economic, social and other development objectives by many countries. In Kenya, public procurement is very critical in the success of disadvantaged groups particularly women. It is on the basis of this background that this study aimed to assess the extent to which AGPO influences tendering participation by women in Nakuru County.This study was guided by three objectives: procurement procedures, sensitization and financing. The study utilizedagency theory, transaction cost theory and institutional theory. The study further adopted a descriptive survey research design with a target population of 297 women from Nakuru County. A sample size of 75 participants was selected using simple random sampling technique. Further, a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the sampled participants. A pilot test was also conducted to test the validity and reliability of the research instrument. The collected data was edited, coded and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.From the findings, it was established thatmajority (45.7%) of women had been involved with government tenders for 3 to 4 years, procurement procedures are responsive to aspirations, expectations and needs of women (mean=3.750), Inadequate controls are in place to ensure tendering processes are effective for women (mean= 3.111), there were capacity building programs on tendering to empower women (mean= 4.222), most women entrepreneurs rarely participate in government tenders due to lack of information (mean=3.561), access to financing affects women participation in government tenders (mean=4.472), funding from Women enterprise fund and Uwezo enable women to participate in government tenders (mean=3.556). Further, the findings revealed that there was a strong, positive and significant relationship between procurement procedures (r=.726), government sensitization (r=.695), financing (r=.713) and tendering participation by women. The study concludes that tendering processes for women have ensured there is accountability, there is no level playing field for women in government tenders, government has capacity building programs on tendering to empower women, the government has not provided adequate access to information on tenders for special groups, gender imbalance and inequality in access to finance make it difficult for women to participate in government tenders, lack of financial capacity has made many women feel excluded from public procurement contracts. The study recommended thatwomen needs and expectations should be prioritized in procurement procedures to encourage them to participate;more controls should be incorporated into tendering processes to ensure they are efficient for women,the government should widen capacity building programs on tendering processes to empower more womenand regular training should be provided to women particularly on procurement procedures, terms and conditions. |
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