In many countries across the world, 60% of quality systems in public procurement have not adequately delivered the expected benefits. This study assessed the determinants of procurement performance in the Judiciary Department at the Nakuru Law Courts. The objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between procurement planning, ICT, staff competency, contractual management and procurement performance.The study adopted Agency theory, Transaction cost theory and Resource Based View theory. The studyused a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach. The target population of the study was 160 employees from Nakuru Law courts comprising of senior managers, head of departments, procurement officers and suppliers.A stratified random sampling technique was used to draw a sample size of 62 participants. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the sampled participants. Data was coded and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23). From the findings, there is adequate budgeting for procurement planning at Judiciary department (mean=3.600), poor procurement planning is a major setback in cost estimation for services and works (mean=4.033), lack of professionalism is a major cause of non-compliance to procurement laws (mean=3.733), proper management of contracts positively affects procurement performance (mean=3.967) and use of ICT in procurement enhances quality information and communication flow (4.033). There was a strong correlation between procurement planning (r=.761), staff competency (r=.725), contractual management (r=.732), ICT (r=.699) and procurement performance. As a result, the study concluded thatproper procurement planning determines the success of service delivery, employees were regularly trained on procurement procedures, proper management of contracts enhances procurement performance and not all suppliers are able to access tender information and apply online. Further, the study recommended that adequate resources should be provided for procurement planning in the Judiciary department at Nakuru Law Courts, professionalism should be enhanced to ensure compliance to procurement laws, the judiciary procurement department should focus on contract terms and timelines to minimize delays in service delivery by suppliers and procurement staff should be regularly trained on ICT to facilitate procurement performance.