Effortless data storage ―in the cloud is gaining popularity for personal, enterprise and institutional data backups and synchronization as well as for highly scalable access from software applications running on attached compute servers. The data is usually access-protected, encrypted and replicated depending on the security and scalability needs. Despite the advances in technology, the practical usefulness and longevity of cloud storage is limited in today‘s systems. This study proposed to provide a solution to the problem of securely storing the client‘s data by maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the data within the cloud. This study addresses the problem of ensuring data confidentiality (protection against disclosure to unauthorized individual information) against cloud and against accesses beyond authorized rights. To resolve these issues, we designed a data encryption model using hybrid symmetric cryptographic techniques( AES and BLOWFISH) that is in charge of storing data in an encrypted format in the cloud. To improve the efficiency of the designed architecture, the service allows the users to choose the level of severity of the data (which lacks in existing models) and according to this level different encryption algorithms are employed.