This research was performed in order to study and d
Potato virus Y
Potato virus X
Potexvirus (PVX),
Potato virus S
Carlavirus (PVS),
Potato virus A
(PVA) and
Potato leafroll Luteovirus
(PLRV) on tubers and leaves of different
potato varieties, namely, Solea, Safran, Floris, Pr
oventa, Milva, Universa, Lady olympia,
Vangogh, and Marabel grown in Afyon region of Turke
y. For this purpose, potato tubers
from different varieties were obtained from Afyon r
egion producers during 2009-2010
and they were planted in the trial plots in Isparta
region of Turkey. One hundred sixty
nine samples were taken from the leaves showing vir
us symptoms in the vegetation period
and 109 samples were taken from the tubers of suspi
cious plants in the harvest period.
Total of 278 samples were tested by using double an
tibody sandwich- enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) method. The DAS-ELI
SA analysis revealed that
both tubers and leaves were infected with PVY, PVX,
PVS, PVA and PLRV. It was
determined that 87.45% (244 samples) of the tested
samples were infected with one or
more viruses and 12.54% (34 samples) of them gave n
egative reaction with DAS-ELISA.
Regarding the prevalence of viruses among the potat
o varieties in this study, it was found
that all samples belonging to Safrane and Milva var
ieties were infected with one or more
viruses. Besides, other potato varieties showed dif
ferent rates of virus infection. In the
mechanical inoculation tests,
serious stunting, systemic chlorosis and leaf defor
symptoms were observed on
N. glutinosa
, while
symptoms such as mottling, leaf
distortion, chlorotic and necrotic local lesions we
re observed on the leaves of other test
, Solanum tuberosum
Virus diseases.