Regulation is amongst the central instruments through which governments seek to deliver on
their policy priorities. However, a lack of consensus on how regulation should be conceptualized
can make studying its nature and effects problematic. Therefore this study assessed the factors
influencing implementation of financial regulations in national Sub-County Treasuries in Nakuru
County, Kenya. The study examined the effect of technology on the implementation of financial
regulations. A descriptive research design was employed. The target population was 68 finance
officers in the national Sub-County Treasuries in Nakuru. The study conducted a census. A
questionnaire constructed on a five point Likert scale was employed for data collection. The
data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistic using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS). The study established that technology significantly influenced
implementation of financial regulations. The study concluded that implementation of financial
regulations is significantly influenced by technology. The study recommended that for effective
implementation of financial regulations in national Sub-county treasuries, the government
should reinforce the use of information technology in treasury operations. The national treasury
should put systems in place to check for internal accountability among staff operations.