Factors associated with attitude and practice of red meat consumption and awareness of lifestyle diseases among residents of Laiser Hill location, Kajiado North County

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dc.contributor.author Bosire, Lilian Nyomenda
dc.date.accessioned 2015-10-30T11:48:21Z
dc.date.available 2015-10-30T11:48:21Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1757
dc.description A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for a degree of master of science in public health at Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology 2015 en_US
dc.description.abstract Chronic diseases are increasingly becoming a concern in developing nations. The transition from a predominantly plant-based diet to a diet high in meat has been identified as a noteworthy contributor to the rise in chronic disease and the greatest increase of these diseases is in the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions. Common preventable risk factors underlie most of these lifestyle diseases and among them is consumption of large amounts of red meat. The objective of the study was to assess the attitudes and practices of red meat consumption and awareness levels of lifestyle diseases among residents of Laiser hill. The study design used was descriptive cross-sectional. Cluster sampling was used to select households. Laiser Hill was first divided into 100 clusters of 120 households based on the 2009 census enumeration areas. Four clusters were randomly chosen for data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS software. In bivariate analysis Pearson Chi-square test and Fishers exact test were used to measure the association between the dependent and independent variables. For variables with frequencies of less than five observations Fisher Exact Test was used to test the association Multivariate binary regression using the odds ratio was used to model those associations that were significant at p <0.05. Data was presented using tables and charts. Slightly over half of the respondents (51.7%) were female. 29.7% of the respondents were aged 18-28 and 42.6% had tertiary level of education 42.6%. Half of the respondents (50.1%) were married and those in formal employment were 45%. Majority of the respondents (90.1%) were aware of what lifestyle diseases were with 83.7% being able to correctly define them and 90.7% being in agreement that over-consumption of red meat was a contributor to these diseases. However this awareness had not led to any changes in the consumption patterns of red meat as 44% consumed red meat 4-5 times a week and 7.2% consumed red meat every day. The main factor affecting choice of type of meat was price. Binary logistic regression was used to model the relationship between demographic characteristics and attitudes, practices and awareness of lifestyle diseases respectively. Relationships between age (χ2, = 12.069, df (4), p=0.017), education (χ2 = 7.142, df (2), p=0.028) and marital status (11.939 (p=0.003) and attitude towards red meat consumption were statistically significant. A cross tabulation of demographics characteristics and practices towards red meat consumption also indicated that there was a significant relationship between education level and practices. This was supported by chi square results (χ2 = 10.262, df (2), p=0.006). Relationship between marital status and awareness of lifestyle diseases was statistically significant (χ2, = 13.724, df (3), p=0.003). Age, gender, education and occupation were not statistically significant in explaining awareness of lifestyle diseases. This study recommended a multi-sectorial approach in tackling non-communicable diseases. It encourages working together of health sectors, private and governmental agencies, NGOs, the civil society, political will and above all the involvement of the community at large en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Signature………………………….. Date…………………………………………………. Professor Anselimo .O. Makokha JKUAT, KENYA Signature……………………………Date……………………………………………........... Dr. Charles Mbakaya KEMRI, KENYA en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries MSc Public Health;2015
dc.title Factors associated with attitude and practice of red meat consumption and awareness of lifestyle diseases among residents of Laiser Hill location, Kajiado North County en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • College of Health Sciences (COHES) [801]
    Medical Laboratory; Agriculture & environmental Biotecthology; Biochemistry; Molecular Medicine, Applied Epidemiology; Medicinal PhytochemistryPublic Health;

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