Immunization is a cornerstone of public health that has seen diseases like small pox
completely eradicated worldwide, poliomyelitis and measles eradicated in many regions
of the world. Immunization has been seen as one of the most cost effective public health
interventions in most regions of the world. This, however, may not apply to slum
settings due to certain prevailing conditions. A cross sectional study was carried out in
Kiandutu slums, Thika District, Central Province between March and May 2009. The
slum has an approximate population of 50,000 people most of whom have limited access
to health services. This study aimed at determining immunization coverage and
associated factors in Kiandutu slum. The primary sampling units were households within
the slum that were covered by the Thika District Hospital Outreach Team. 189
households were randomly selected from a list of 560 households covered by the
outreach team. One child aged 12-23 months whose mother or guardian gave consent to
participate in the study was selected from each household.
The mean age of the children was 17.3 months with a range of 12-23 months, while the
mothers’ mean age was 25.5 years. Of the mother’s interviewed, 35.4% had completed
primary education while 40.2% started primary education but dropped out. Mothers who
completed secondary education were 10.1%, and those that had incomplete secondary
education were 7.9%. Those who had attained tertiary education were 2.6%. The
immunization card retention rate among parents/guardians was 79.9%. Children who
had received the BCG vaccine were 94.7%. Those who received the pentavalent vaccine
constituting of BCG, 3 doses of DPT and OPV vaccines were 79.8%. Children who had
received the pentavalent vaccine plus the measles dose were 77%. Therefore, infants
who received full immunization by virtue of having received the complete pentavalent
vaccine and measles vaccine were 77% of the total sample, 18% were partially
immunized and 5.3% were not immunized at all. The DPT1-DPT3 drop out rate was
15.6%. Reasons given as to why children had not been immunized included distance to
the health centre and forgetfulness due to preoccupation with family activities. From this
study, there was no significant association at 95% confidence level between,
immunization status of child and marital status of the mother (P=0.232), immunization
status of child and mother’s education level (P=0.128) and between immunization status
and immunization card availability (P=0.285). There was however a significant
association between the age of the mother and immunization status of the child
In comparison to other slums in Kenya and other countries, the immunization coverage
of 77% in Kiandutu slum among households covered by the district hospital outreach
team was close to the district’s target of 80%. The drop out rate was however high and it
was recommended that incentives to reduce the drop out rate be introduced.