The effects of rootstocks such as 'sour orange' (Citrus aurantium L. var. ‘Yerli’),
'Carrizo' and 'Troyer citranges' (Citrus sinensis Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata Raf), 'Smooth
Flat Seville sour orange' (Citrus spp. hybrid of uncertain origin), 'Brazilian sour orange'
(Citrus aurantiam L. var. ‘Brasilian’), 'Volkameriana' (Citrus volkameriana Tan. and
Pasq.) and 'Calamondin' (possibly Citrus reticulate var. austere×Fortunella hybrid,
Swingle) on plant growth, fruit yield, and quality of ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit were
investigated from 2008 to 2012. Rootstocks were found to have significant effects on plant
growth, fruit yield, and quality. ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit trees budded on 'Carrizo' and
'Troyer citranges' showed higher vegetative growth parameters (canopy height, diameter,
and volume) than the trees on the other rootstocks. The trees on 'Volkameriana' and
'Carrizo citrange' produced higher percentage of cumulative yield of about 55.1 and
34.3%, respectively, than the trees on 'sour orange'. ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit budded on
'Carrizo citrange' had higher fruit quality such as thin rind, high juice content, and more
color development than the other rootstocks. 'Carrizo citrange' was the most promising
rootstock for ‘Rio Red’ grapefruit in Dörtyol, Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey.
Keywords: Citrus paradisi, Fruit yield, Fruit quality, Plant growth, Rootstocks.