Iron deficiency in soil reduces the quality of duru
m wheat leading to Fe deficiency in
human. Thus, this experiment investigated the effec
ts of foliar application of nano-iron
oxide (2 and 4 g L
), iron chelate (EDTA), (4 and 8 g L
), iron sulfate (4 and 8 g L
), and
the control on grain yield and quality, yield compo
nents, chlorophyll and carotenoids
contents, peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT), and asc
orbate peroxidase (APX) activities of
durum wheat D-85-15-5. Iron application increased a
ctivities of all leaf enzymes and
chlorophyll of leaf, grain protein, iron and carboh
ydrate contents, grain carbohydrate,
protein, iron yields, and grain yield. Iron source
had no effects on enzymes activities, but
the highest chlorophyll content, grain yield, grain
iron (38%) and protein contents (58%),
protein, iron, and carbohydrate yields were produce
d by application of 2 g L
of nano-
iron oxide followed by 8 g L
iron sulfate. Harvest index, 1,000 gain-weight, an
chlorophyll, grain yield, grain iron and protein co
ntents, protein, iron, and carbohydrate
yields increased. But, these parameters decreased a
t the higher rate of nano-iron oxide.
Application of 2 g L
nano-iron oxide was more effective than the other F
e sources and
rates, and is suggested for durum wheat production
Antioxidant enzymes, Chlorophyll content
Iron content, Protein content, Yield.