Phytic acid is a major storage form of phosphorous
in cereals that acts as food inhibitor by
chelating micronutrients and prevents it to be bioa
vailabe for monogastric animals, including
humans. Ninety three wheat (
Triticum aestivum
L.) germplasms, including cultivars from
India, were characterized for phytic acid and Fe co
ntents. Phytic acid contents ranged from
0.59 (IITR 92) to 2.08% (IITR 25). The Fe contents
of all wheat germplasms ranged from 9.97
(IITR 25) to 45.77 mg kg
(IBW 1133) while historical cultivars from India c
ontain an average
of 21.7 mg kg
Fe. This initial screening facilitated the identif
ication of diversity in
germplasms for this trait that can be exploited for
genetic improvement in wheat. Forty eight
wheat lines from (WL711×IITR 19) were also evaluat
ed, which demonstrated considerable
variation in phytic acid content. Phytic acid conte
nts ranged from 0.58 to 2.01% in F
with an average of 1.52%. The genotypes showed sign
ificant differences in phytic acid and Fe
contents. F
lines of WL711×IITR19 also illustrated variation i
n phytic acid content that were
significant. The progenies having lower phytic acid
content compared to parents are useful for
further crop improvement. A relatively high broad s
ense heritability (93.4%) and genetic
advance (32.3%) of phytic acid showed that progenie
s of this cross would be useful for
reducing phytic acid.
Food and nutrition, Genetic improvement, Wheat gen