A parasitological investigation on the blood of acipenseridae fish in the southern part of
the Caspian Sea (Iran) from 2000-2002 was undertaken. Altogether, 60 specimens were
examined. The fishes included to this study are considered as Acipenser persicus (Persian
Sturgeon, 20 specimens), Acipenser guldenstadti (Russian Sturgeon, 20 specimens) and
Acipenser stellatus (20 specimens). During this study two blood protozoa were revealed:
Cryptobia acipenseris, and Haemogregarina acipenseris.The specimens were collected by
gill net from a fishing station located at Anzali. The characteristics of the fishes were
recorded and the collected materials were examined in fresh and stained preparation. The
prevalence of infection was also studied. This is the first record of Cryptobia acipenseris
and Heamogragarina acipenseris in Russian and Persian sturgeons (New host) in the
southern part of the Caspian Sea (Iran). All fish specimens examined during this study
were collected from their natural environment. Heamoflagellates were found in different
sturgeon without any pathological effects, but in the intensive farming of Sturgeons,
Haemogragarina acipenseris may lead to severe infections and may cause anemia which
decreases the productivity of the farm.