dc.description.abstract |
Pasting is one of the most important properties of
wheat starch determining the flour
quality and functionality. Twenty three New Plant T
ype (NPT) wheat derivatives along
with three checks (PBW 343, HD 2329, and Raj 3765)
have been studied in multi-location
trials to assess the variation and environment indu
ced fluctuations for their starch pasting
properties. Although all flour pasting characterist
ics varied, Breakdown Viscosity (BV)
and Setback Viscosity (SV) exhibited greater variab
ility across environments. Additive
Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI)
analysis indicated significant
interactions between Genotypes and Environments Int
eraction (GEI) in starch pasting
properties. Genotypes accounted largest proportion
(39.78%) of the Sum of squares (SQ)
for peak viscosity (PV) followed by environments (3
3.30%) and GEI (33.30%). Trough
Viscosity (TV), GEI accounted for the largest propo
rtion (40.44%) of the SQ followed by
environments (31.76%) and genotypes (27.80%). Genot
ypes accounted for the largest
proportion (44.0%) of the SQ for (BV) followed by e
nvironments (33.30%) and GEI
(21.59%). With respect to FV, environments accounte
d for the largest proportion
(43.07%) of the SQ followed by GEI (30.84%) and gen
otypes (26.09%). Environments
accounted for the largest proportion (52.48%) of th
e SQ followed by genotypes (23.89%)
and GEI (23.65%) for SV. The interactions between g
enotype and locations differed
greatly; however, some genotypes apparently found t
o be specifically adaptable to growth
location. Correlation among starch pasting characte
ristics revealed that significant
positive correlations were found between PV and BV,
FV and TV, as well as SV and FV in
all the individual environments tested that can be
utilized in selection and simultaneous
improvement in for starch quality improvement.
: AMMI-biplot analysis, Environment, Quality,
Triticum aestivum
L., Viscosity. |
en_US |