Field trials were conducted at the Experimental Sta
tion (Brody) belonging to Poznan
University of Life Sciences (NE Poland). The purpos
e was to evaluate the impact of
different tillage systems and white mustard cover c
rop on soil enzymatic activity and
severity of plant infection by pathogenic fungi in
spring wheat. A randomized complete
block design was set up with four replicates per tr
eatment (conventional and no-tillage
with and without cover crop). The results demonstra
ted higher enzyme activity in the soil
treated post wheat harvest with herbicide Glyphosat
e at the rate of 4.0 L ha
, 360 g L
-(phosphonomethyl) glycine] with adjuvant AS 500 SL
1.5 L ha
of the stubble, white
mustard cover crop in direct sowing. Less activity
was observed during spring time
application of Glyphosate at the rate of 1.5 L ha
+adjuvant AS 500 SL 1.5 L ha
, followed
by direct sowing of spring wheat. The main objectiv
e of this study was to evaluate the
effects of tillage system and cover crop on soil de
hydrogenase activity and plant health of
spring wheat. Conducted investigation showed that t
here was no significant impact of the
tillage system or left biomass on the eyespot (
Oculimacula acuformis
) and brown foot root
sp.) diseases. Only with take-all (
Gaumannomyces graminis
) there
was significant impact of soil tillage system on th
e percentage of infected plants. During
the tillering stage of the spring wheat significant
ly higher enzyme activities were observed
on the treatment with cover crop and spring wheat c
ultivation in no tillage technology.
: Activity, Conventional tillage, Cover crop, Disea
ses, No-tillage, Soil.