The world has embarked on millennium developmen
t goals that include eradicating poverty and
hunger and ensuring environmental sustainability.
This paper focuses on enhancing returns on
investments in agricultural water through effective in
tegration of livestock production. It suggests
that multi-sectoral approaches to investment in
water, soil, crop and liv
estock will have greater
development impact and profitability than developing
water and livestock independently in the same
In African agriculture, livestock are important, a
nd demand for livestock products is growing rapidly
particularly in urban areas – a pr
ocess driven by urban population growth buoyed up by increasing
discretionary income. Great opportunities exist for Africa’s poor livestock herders and farmers to
engage in this rapidly expanding market, to increa
se their income and to climb out of poverty. But
increased animal production results in he
ightened demands for agricultural water.
African livestock use about 200 billion m
/year of rain and irrigated water most of which (99%) is
depleted through transpiration in the process of produ
cing feed. This water exceeds that estimated by
FAO for agricultural water withdrawal in sub-Saha
ran Africa but assumes that water is explicitly
accounted for as transpiration cost of producing plant
material for feed. Where increased use of crop
residues for feed increases, water use efficiency
will be reduced because th
e water used is usually
factored into the cost of crop production. Un
derstanding and managing livestock use of water resources and improving livestock water productivity
is therefore vital for better management of
agricultural water in Africa.
Livestock in Africa number about 250 million Tropic
al Livestock Units (TLU = 250 kg of live animal
weight and include cattle, sheep, goats, equines and ca
mels but in this paper exclude swine, fish and
poultry). Animal production takes place on about half of Africa’s 30 million km
. About a third of
Africa’s stock of animals resides in Sudan and Ethiopia with another third in Nigeria, South Africa
and other East African countries (Kenya, Tanzania,
Somalia, and Uganda). These are countries where
priority must be given to integrating livestock de
velopment with investments
in agricultural water.
Evidence suggests that animal numbers and densitie
s along with their demand for water will increase
following development of agri
cultural water resources.
Africa’s livestock producing area of about 16 million km
was classified into
investment domains
(WLD) made up of three basic productions systems: livestock-dominated grazing
lands; mixed crop-livestock rainfed production;
and mixed large-scale irrigation systems. Mixed
rainfed systems include small-scal
e irrigation carried out by households and communities. Large-
scale irrigation systems have Africa’s highest liv
estock densities followed by mixed rainfed systems
and then by livestock-dominated grazing systems. The mixed rainfed crop-livestock systems have the
largest numbers of animals while the livestock-domi
nated systems cover the greatest land area. Each
system presents unique agricultural
water investment opportunities.
Case studies showed that irrigation farmers and la
bourers benefit from livestock keeping. In Kenya,
Sudan and Ethiopia, smallholder dairying based on
irrigated forage and crop residue was profitable
and compared favourably with production of many ca
sh crops. In Gezira, Sudan, 90% of the residents
keep animals and about 36% of tenants' income comes from selling them and animal products. In
Ethiopia, livestock in smaller co
mmunity based irrigations systems are essential for providing farm
power. In areas with good market access, there is
great opportunity to take advantage of abundant
crop residues to produce animal products as a pr
ofitable complementary activity to irrigated crop
production. Irrigation is one approach to intensifi
cation of agriculture that is a response to growing
demand for food for increasing human populations. Thus, irrigation development will likely coincide
geographically with opportunities for poor livestock
keepers to supply the rapidly increasing demand
for livestock products especially in urban areas.
Planning for and making use of irrigated crop
residues will be an important source of feed ne
eded to support increased production of animal
products and may significantly increase the re
turn on investments in water resources.
Mixed crop-livestock rainfed systems with good access to markets have the prospect of benefiting
from increasing demand for high value food products including milk and meat. In both Kenya and
Ethiopia, smallholder dairy producer
s realized significant increases
and stability in year-round income
through use of agricultural water to quench their co
ws’ thirst. Whether piped or harvested, provision
of drinking water on a continuous basis reduced lab
our costs of fetching water, increased conversion
efficiency of both irrigated rainfed forages and
crop residues, and increased milk production and
animal growth resulting in increased family income.
Building on the principle that crop residues are
by-products of crop production, it follows that their use as feed increases the return on investments in
both rainfed and irrigated crop production. This study suggests that in planning irrigation, effort be
made to assess and valuate the role of livestock
in household enterprises and to understand how
returns on investments in agricultural water develo
pment will enhance or reduce returns from various
livestock enterprise options.
Livestock-dominated production ofte
n takes place relatively far from markets where there are limited
livelihood alternatives. Investments in irrigation
open up two opportunities for enhancing traditional
herding practices. The Gezira and other nearby irri
gation schemes are part of a complex market chain
that enables distant herders to engage in the market because crop residues produced in the schemes
are used to fatten animals after they lose weight
during the long trek to the market centre in
Khartoum. In planning large-scale irrigation, mo
re equitable sharing of benefits arising from
investments can be achieved through inclusion of pastoralist stakeholders in the planning process.
Such action may catalyze scheme designs that enable herders to access water during dry seasons and
take advantage of crop residues as feed. Withou
t such planning, water
development may deprive
herders of access to feed and wate
r resources. In addition, investme
nts in strategically located and
ILRI: February 2006
well-managed watering sites in rangeland areas with su
rplus feed can help offset pastoralists’ loss of
resources resulting from expanded irriga
tion and rainfed cropping elsewhere.
Apart from numerous opportunities to increase returns on investment in agricultural water through
systematic integration of livestoc
k and water development in irriga
ted, mixed rainfed and livestock-
dominant production systems, multi-sectoral appr
oaches to meeting the MDG goal of ensuring
environmental sustainability are need
ed. Improved integrated manage
ment of water, soil, crops and
livestock through measures such as conservation
tillage, terracing and manure management may result
in increase soil moisture for crop
growth and reduced siltation of downs
tream irrigation infrastructure.
Integration of water and livestock management will
be particularly helpful in highland mixed rainfed
farming systems. In all systems,
better veterinary care
can increase profitability of animals produced
with agricultural water and reduce
related human health risks.
Economic analyses from the Gezira irrigation syst
em of Sudan, the Awash River basin of Ethiopia,
and irrigation systems in Laikipia, Kenya, demons
trate that including animal production within
irrigation systems can be profitabl
e for farming households. Revenues generated are not simply due
to use of crop residues, crop by-products and irri
gated fodder. Rather, converting these low value
feeds into high valued animal provided greater in
come and returns on investments than enterprises
based on crops alone. In addition, farmers valued the diversification of income sources, the
opportunity for year-round income, and manure that helps maintain soil fertility.
This study concludes that integrated investments
in water and livestock development can avoid lost
opportunities to increases beneficial returns, result in
more equitable sharing of
benefits, lead to more
sustainable outcomes, and can increase overall net returns on investments made in agricultural water.
Livestock are one of the major assets that househol
ds accumulate as a result of their efforts to climb
out poverty. Investments in agricultural water de
signed to reduce poverty will be more successful if
irrigation planning also helps secure and safeguard
their animal assets. Failur
e to take into account
needs of livestock keepers and their animals ma
y reduce investment returns, have negative
environmental impact and result in enhanced tr
ansmission of zoonotic diseases to people.