The lead applicant: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
Project title: Bio-enhanced seeds and seedlings for East Africa
Budget requested from Bio-Innovate and project duration: 502,028 USD for three years (2011-
Project description:
Goal: to improve the livelihoods of and generate income for farmers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
by reducing yield losses and increasing crop sustainability
Purpose: to develop bio-enhanced seeds and seedlings within a regional, commercial setting to reduce
the impact of biotic and abiotic production constraints in crops, for the ultimate benefit of resourcepoor
Geographical focus: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Project objectives:
1. to develop bio-enhanced vegetable seeds and seedlings
2. to develop bio-enhanced cereal seeds
3. to facilitate regional harmonisation of bio-pesticides registration and promote bio-enhancement of
seeds and seedlings
Principal project partners:
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Uganda
The REALIPM Company Ltd (RealIPM), Kenya
Alpha Seed Company Ltd (Alpha Seed), Tanzania