dc.description.abstract |
Active microwave sensors are radars that operate in the
microwave region (1 to 30 gigahertz in frequency, 1 to 30
centimeters in wavelength). Unlike passive microwave sensors, they
provide their own illumination and do not depend upon ambient
radiation. Microwaves propagate through clouds and rain with
limited attenuation. Thus, active microwave sensors operate day or
night, in all kinds of weather.
Early radar systems involved a fixed radar source that scanned a
field of view to track military targets, such as ships or airplanes.
Current and proposed systems take many more forms and can
operate as cameras, generating high-quality images from moving
platforms. Research at Aerospace has been helping to advance the
capabilities of microwave imaging and target-detection systems and
expand their practical use.
Reducing the risk of oil spill disasters is essential for protecting
the environment and reducing economic losses. Oil spill surveillance
constitutes an important component of oil spill disaster
management. Advances in remote sensing technologies can help to
identify parties potentially responsible for pollution and to identify
minor spills before they cause widespread damage. Due to the large
number of sensors currently available for oil spill surveillance, there
is a need for a comprehensive overview and comparison of existing
sensors. Specifically, this paper examines the characteristics and
applications of different sensors. It also indicates on how the active
microwave response can be used to detect oil. A better
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of oil spill
surveillance sensors will improve the operational use of these
sensors for oil spill response and contingency planning. |
en_US |