Background—Hormonal contraceptives are used widely but their effects on HIV-1 risk are
Methods—We followed 3790 heterosexual HIV-1 serodiscordant couples from seven African
countries participating in two longitudinal HIV-1 incidence studies. Among hormonal
contraceptive users (including injectable and oral contraceptive users) and nonusers, we compared
rates of HIV-1 acquisition in women and HIV-1 transmission from women to men.
Findings—Among 1314 couples in which the HIV-1 seronegative partner was female, HIV-1
acquisition rates were 6.61 and 3.78 per 100 person-years among hormonal contraceptive users
and nonusers (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR]=1.98, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.06–3.68,
p=0.03). Among 2476 couples in which the HIV-1 seronegative partner was male, HIV-1
transmission rates from women to men were 2.61 and 1.51 per 100 person-years in those whose
partners currently used versus did not use hormonal contraception (AHR=1.97, 95% CI 1.12–3.45,
p=0.02). In subgroup analysis, injectable contraceptive users had increased risk for acquiring and
transmitting HIV-1 to their partner and HIV-1 seropositive women using injectable contraception
had higher genital HIV-1 RNA concentrations, suggesting a mechanism for increased transmission
risk. Oral contraceptives were used too infrequently to draw definitive conclusions about HIV-1
Interpretation—Women should be counseled about potentially increased risk of HIV-1
acquisition and transmission with hormonal contraception, particularly injectable methods, and
about the importance of dual protection with condoms to decrease HIV-1 risk. Non-hormonal or
lower-dose hormonal contraceptive methods should be considered for women with or at-risk for
Funding—National Institutes of Health (R03 HD068143, R01 AI083034, P30 AI027757, and
T32 AI007140) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (26469 and 41185).