Cholera continues to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in many
areas of the world, and there is currently a high frequency of new outbreaks in
Africa. Following a confirmed cholera outbreak in Siaya, Kisumu, Bondo and Nyando
districts, Nyanza province in western Kenya between April and July 2007, a
laboratory surveillance study was conducted at the New Nyanza Provincial General
Hospital’s Microbiology Laboratory. The study aimed at isolating and identifying the
strain of Vibrio cholerae, Identifying the mean age of the patients and monitoring
the susceptibility patterns to major antibiotics. It further aimed at determining
effectiveness of empiric management of cholera. A total of 219 samples were
processed out of which a total of 85 samples (39%) were found positive for Vibrio
cholerae 01 sero‐type Inaba. The mean age recorded was 19 years (1 ≤ 80). The
modal ages recorded were 8, 20 and 25. 55% (47) of the recorded cases were
females while 45% (38) were males. Generally, V.Cholerae 01 sero‐type Inaba
showed antibiotic resistance to trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole, nalidixic acid,
sulfasoxazole, streptomycin and furazolidone. Tetracycline a commonly used
antibiotic for empiric management was 100% effective on all isolates and remains
the drug of choice. Samples obtained for case‐control study did not yield any cholera
isolate. No prior exposure to any antibiotic was recorded among all the subjects. The
study confirmed the effectiveness of empirical therapy on cholera and further
identified the need of proper hygiene, water treatment, proper waste management
and proper eating habits as means of controlling morbidity and mortality of cholera.